These works explain some of the Espiri Tiva concepts I have developed for living more sustainably and connecting community and corporate spheres with spirit.
The Connectivity Matrix
The Connectivity Matrix shows our life experiences as four spheres: Community, Corporate, Nature, and Spirituality. We are social animals and most of us need to connect with community. We deal with the corporate world when we buy and sell, pay our bills, and even when we organise things like holiday travel. Perhaps we should know more about nature. We can learn from each other about what we each can do to live more sustainably. Could our lives benefit from more spirituality: wellbeing, mindfulness, happiness, empathy? Should our workplaces be more inspiring? The Connectivity Matrix lets us explore the physical world and the invisible layers of our lives. It can deepen our understanding of the spheres and how they impact on our personal wellbeing and the planet’s future.
Universal Wonder 2050
This shortened version of Universal Wonder: A 2050 vision, came about when I was invited to pen my vision of a sustainable future as part of an inspiring project conceived, produced, and directed by Susie Waller in 2012. Imagine: Visions for our Sustainable Future was the title of the exhibition, showcasing the future visions of local sustainability practitioners as visually expressed by local artists. The catalogue for the exhibition was published by CAN.
Here is a free downloadable poster of Universal Wonder – a gift from Espiri Tiva to you. It is a vision of hope for a better world.
Download Universal Wonder PDF
Just Add Spirit: a key to living in the changing paradigm
Why are we seeking continual growth of wealth, comfort, and convenience far beyond our needs, and far beyond what the planet can provide? If something continually grows, does it not indicate that something else is being depleted? This book gives us a look at life through different lenses. It takes us on a journey to reconnect us with parts of our lives that we may have neglected. The concepts in the book can be a catalyst for personal, community, and organisational transitions. The book brings together wonderment, creativity, and science. It redefines oral tradition, corporate systems, education, and business planning. It updates a lifetime of work and research in community, spirituality, and sustainability, telling it as a personal narrative.
Just Add Spirit is a 164-page creative non-fiction work.