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Universal Wonder

It would have been the year 2050 in the old world but this is the first year of the new age.  A paradigm shift has occurred, changing the way of human life on Earth. Revered poets and storytellers around the world use words and wordless forms to tell epic stories of nature within us, around us, of the stars and beyond. Children listen to the wordless counsel of the wild. A great storm comes upon us and we do not fear. It talks to us and tells us what to do and we listen.


In the old paradigm, the wisdom of the spirit was devalued, and humans believed there would be no end of increasing their comfort and control of the elements. That time brought with it vast knowledge and equally great greed and the two fought a terrible battle – and whilst it is quelled, the seeds remain, for what is needed is embedded in us as it may be needed again to temper another future. The spiritual dimension gives us eyes to see and hear and a heart that understands the silence and still; we know of the great growing that is happening in the Earth, in the waters, in the skies and beyond. 


The epic stories guide us through the mysterious. They help us form the values of the land that is governed in collaboration for the greater good of all on Earth and where each has a role. Mother Earth has huge burdens to bear to heal and grow and we must play our part. We have all we need to undertake the task if we are open and if we listen and observe.


We use the tools of economics and technology with care to help life on Earth. We learn from science and philosophy. We learn also from understanding that is wordless and unseen through other ways of knowing, from communing with nature, and in spiritual realms.


Our cities are greener than any cities have ever been and this has enabled our sensory abilities and awareness to blossom. We live in intergenerational communities and have learnt that this makes for the greatest insurance and wellbeing of all. Communities know that each person has a role to play and that the independence of the individual is weakness compared to the interdependence of communities both human and non-human – like a flock of birds that cover impossible distances together but would perish if they had to attempt this on their own. We listen and learn from other sentient beings and beyond and are amazed at the richness of dimensions that this opens.


Not all the stories are peaceful, just as not all the Earth is peaceful. There are volcanoes and other destructive elements amidst the most beautiful of places all as part of a greater whole. The ugliness of humans demanding unacceptable and unsustainable standards had driven millions to untimely deaths in the urban workforces and in creating wars around the world. These lessons must never be forgotten and there are stories in place so we do not forget. But there were stories in place before…


The last 100 years has seen the changing of paradigms. What is a paradigm? It is but a thought that has gone viral. Everything has changed and nothing has changed. Life goes on. We are but bits of stardust – and yet – together with all on Earth and in the universe beyond, we are part of a magnificent journey that is really beyond our imagining.

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